Upcoming Events

Nativity Lane
to Jan 5

Nativity Lane


It’s that time again when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Rock Haven will be hosting our Nativity Lane again this year from December 1 to January 5 and we are inviting everyone to come out.

Please put these special dates on your calendar.

-          November 25-30 is trim-a-tree week. If a church, Sunday school class, family or individual would like to decorate a tree please contact us. We have several trees to decorate. Trees, lights, and ornaments are provided.

-          Wednesday, December 11, 2024, from 6:30-8:00pm is children’s night. This is a special night where we will be sharing the Christmas story. There will also be crafts and activities for the children. We will also be providing food. Call us for more information to help us know how much to prepare.

-          Sunday, December 15, 2024, 6:00 to 7:30pm. Carols, Cookies and Cocoa. We will be gathering for a time of singing Christmas Carols and a great time of fellowship. Come worship the King!

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 870-429-5845.

Nativity Lane will be open every night during this time so please come on out and feel free to walk through.

We look forward to having you with us.

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Nativity Lane: Children and Youth Night

Nativity Lane: Children and Youth Night

Wednesday, December 11, 2024, from 6:30-8:00pm is children’s night. This is a special night where we will be sharing the Christmas story. There will also be crafts and activities for the children. We will also be providing food. Call us for more information to help us know how much to prepare

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Nativity Lane : Trim-A-Tree Week
to Nov 30

Nativity Lane : Trim-A-Tree Week

November 25-30 is trim-a-tree week. If a church, Sunday school class, family or individual would like to decorate a tree please contact us. We have several trees to decorate. Trees, lights, and ornaments are provided.

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Ladies Fall Retreat
to Oct 5

Ladies Fall Retreat

It is time again for our Fall Ladies Retreat. We are looking forward to a wonderful time together. Let me introduce our guest speakers.

Please welcome back Becky Seamon, Brittany Morse, Debbie Dean and Rachel Van Devender. Becky blessed our hearts last year. Many of you follow Becky and her ministry online. She has a great challenge for us on the subject of “Resilience”! Can you guess where in the Bible Becky will be taking her message from???

Please welcome back another one of your favorites, Brittany Morse. Brittany was with us in April. We are so happy to have her back for our Bible Study Breakout Session. We are so blessed that she will be filling in for Karon Crowley, leading us in worship time as well. Join Brittany for a look at Resilience from God’s Word as well as beautiful worship.

We are excited to have Debbie Dean back with us. It has been a while since she has shared with us. She will be leading a Breakout Session on how to “Love the Future Generations”.

Rachel Van Devender and myself will be sharing wonderful crafts for you to make for the Fall Season. Join us and have some fun. Please mark your calendars, ask a friend to come along. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Remember if you are planning on staying overnight, please call or text @ 870-577-2178.

Betty Dillenburg ~ Ladies Director

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Boys Retreat
to Sep 21

Boys Retreat

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Boy's 9 -14!

God gave us the ability to use His creation to His glory. Come to this year's boy's retreat where we will learn about the God who created us and also make a few fun things of our own. We hope to see you here! Cost is $30. For more information, please call the office at 870-429-5845.

You can register now!

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Girls Retreat
to Sep 14

Girls Retreat

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Girls 9 -14 year old!

Calling all Super Girls to our upcoming Girls Retreat. It will be a fun filled time with your friends. Lots of games, food, crafts, and Bible Lessons. We are excited to tell you that Friday night will be a lock -in, so bring your sleeping bags and your pillows and join us in the main building for a lock -in. We ’ll have a great time together. Please join us and bring your girlfriends with you. Fun and laughter awaits you.

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Elementary Week
to Aug 2

Elementary Week

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to have you all back this summer. Elementary camp is for students going into grades 3-5. We have early registration open now! See the “Learn More” button below for more information.

Our Evening Chapel Speakers will be Ashley and Diane Keaton with Uneek Puppets.

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Middle Week
to Jul 26

Middle Week

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to have you all back this summer. Middle camp is for students going into grades 5 -7. See the “Learn More” button below for more information

Our Evening Service Speaker is Jake Conner form Summit Heights Fellowship in Hawkins, TX.

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Jr. High Week
to Jul 19

Jr. High Week

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to have you all back this summer. Jr. High camp is for students going into grades 7 -9. Our Morning Speaker will be Josh Paxton. Our Evening Speaker will be Heath Kirkpatrick. See the “Learn More” button below for more information.

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Teen Week
to Jul 13

Teen Week

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to have you all back this summer. Teen camp is for students going into grades 9-12. Our Missionary Speaker will be Phillip le Roux. Our Evening Speaker will be Matt McGregor.

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 Spring Youth Retreat
to Apr 20

Spring Youth Retreat


It is hard to believe that it is Spring again and time for the first youth retreat of the year. This year we are trying something different. Two speakers. That’s right! Two speakers. One for the elementary age group and one for the older youth. Don’t worry however, everyone will get to do all of the activities that they normally would do at other retreats. We will again be getting out the push carts for racing. Lamar has some excellent ideas on this year’s racing format. So get ready for another great retreat!

Kermit Lowery, Camp Director 

Ages 8-18

Cost: 30 Dollars

Call for scholarship information  870-429-5845


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Spring Ladies Retreat
to Apr 13

Spring Ladies Retreat

  • Rock Haven Road Hasty, AR, 72640 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Not only is ‘God Delighted in You’, we are delighted that you are making plans to attend our Spring Ladies Retreat. 

We are excited to remind you just how much God does delight in you.  You are cherished, loved and adored by the one that created you.  We are blessed to have Tanya Bousquet back with us as our special speaker.  Tanya has a love for our Lord and wants to share with us from her heart just how much He delights in us.

We are offering three breakout sessions for you to attend while at the retreat.  Our Bible Study Breakout leader is Brittany Morse from the Alma, Arkansas area.  She is a musician, loves to teach children and ladies.  I can’t wait to hear from her.  Many ladies have asked for Tammy Griggs to teach them sign language, so she agreed to teach a class on sign language and if enough are interested she will do an advanced class in October.  Our third breakout will be a Delightful Surprise.  You are going to love it.  I’m going to personally see to this class. 

Make sure to mark you calendars, ask a friend to come along.  I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.  Remember if you are planning on staying overnight, please call or text as beds are always limited  at 870-577-2178.

 Betty Dillenburg, Ladies Ministry Director

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2nd Annual Ladies Retreat Christmas Party

2nd Annual Ladies Retreat Christmas Party

You are invited to our Ladies Retreat Christmas Party.  Thank you for making our first one such a success in 2022! We love to come together with our friends to celebrate the season with games, fun, food, fellowship and making a Christmas craft! The ornament game was so fun that we will be doing it again.  Please bring one ornament, either homemade or purchased  with a limit of $10.00. You will each take an ornament home with you.  Make plans to attend and invite your friends to come along with you.  For questions call or text Betty at 870-577-2178.

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Nativity Lane * NEW*
to Dec 30

Nativity Lane * NEW*

We are excited to announce our BRAND NEW Christmas celebration " Nativity Lane." This will be a free walk through event that will let the community walk through and view different nativity scenes loaned out by churches and individuals who have scenes they want used. There will also be a covered area showing smaller Nativity scenes for the community view and enjoy. This event is free, but donations are welcome to keep this event up and running this year and for many more to come. This will start every night from December 1st - December 30th from 5 PM - 10 PM. We hope you will come out and experience "Nativity Lane" with your family, friends, and churches and celebrate the real reason for the Holiday season!

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Nerf War Retreat
to Nov 18

Nerf War Retreat

The 7th year of Nerf War Retreats. In 2016 we wanted to do something that we thought campers would want to do and with some hesitation we prepared for our first Nerf War Retreat. And what a blast we had that first night. We are looking forward to having you here at Rock Haven. Not just to have fun, but also to see what God is doing in your life. Don ’t be afraid to invite your friends as well. They might really appreciate your thoughtfulness. We will have a weekend full of fun and worship, with
guest speaker Nathan Smith from Sherwood Bible Church in Kansas City, Mo.

This will be an overnight retreat for ages 9 through high school. The event will start at 5pm on the 17th and end at 1 PM on the 18th. Bring your Nerf guns and your friends for this fun weekend. Darts will be provided. The cost is $30, but scholarships are available. Register today at www.rockhavenministries.org. For questions, please call 870-429-5845. See ya then!


Bible Pen

Notebook Wear Casual Clothes

Jacket Nerf Guns

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Fish Fry Fundraiser

Fish Fry Fundraiser

Please come out and help us raise money for Rock Haven Bible Camp.  The funds will go towards cabin repair & maintenance.  Come enjoy our fabulous Fried Fish dinner and the music of the Naff Family Singers. We look forward to seeing you!

For more information call the office (870)429-5845. Thank you for your continued support !

Menu: Fried Catfish (Chicken Optional ), Homemade Hush Puppies, Coleslaw , Brown Beans , and Dessert

Cost:  $$ Donation $$



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Fall Festival and Auction

Fall Festival and Auction

We hope to see everyone at this FREE one day event full of games, food, and fellowship! Activities starting at 2 PM. We will have a benefit auction following at 5:30 PM. The proceeds will go toward Cabin Repairs and Maintenance. More details coming soon.

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Fall Ladies Retreat
to Oct 14

Fall Ladies Retreat

“Forgiving What You Can’t Forget ”

“.And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

How exciting that it is the time of year when we can put aside our cares for a weekend and come together and spend some time with our family and friends to share what God is doing in our lives. This retreat our theme is “Forgiving What We Can ’t Forget”. Have you had an experience in your life before or now even, that you just can ’t forgive someone because your mind keeps going back to that someone or something that hurt you and you can ’t forgive it and let it go? I ’m sure we can all say yes to that question. So this retreat will be awesome for each of us to learn more about forgiveness. I ’m so happy to announce that Eyvette Tardiff will be sharing from scripture how it is possible with God ’s help to “Forgive What You Can ’t Forget”. We have three breakout sessions for you. They are listed on the back side of this brochure. Please make your plans now to attend and invite your friends to come along. If you are planning on staying overnight, please call or text 870 -577 - 2178.

Betty Dillenburg

Ladies Director

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Boy's Retreat
to Sep 23

Boy's Retreat

Hey guys! It ’s time again for the annual Boy ’s retreat. That ’s right, no girls! Lamar and Kermit are putting together some things that we hope that you enjoy, like making your own lure, building a paddle boat to race, and tying fishing knots that won’t come loose. We are very excited about our Bible lessons, since we are going to use fishing tactics to apply in our daily walk with God. Again, we are looking forward to having you here and to see what we can learn together.This is an overnight weekend retreat for boys ages 9-14.

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Girl's Retreat
to Sep 16

Girl's Retreat


Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs  20:11

COST:   $30.00


Girls join us for a weekend to learn who is your best friend! We are happy to announce a weekend at Rock Haven with your girlfriends and learning about having the right friends. Come and bring your girl friends for an exciting time.  Fun and laughter awaits you. 

Please bring with you:

1. Bible, pen and notebook.

2. Casual clothes and jacket.                      

3. Sleeping bag or bed roll.

Come prepared to have a FUN time. We pray that God will prepare your heart and life for this wonderful time together. Registration will start at 5:30, Dinner will be served while you register.


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